Herida abierta
Momir Milošević
Ciclo Yugoslavia
Sala Chaplin
13 de mayo del 2023 -> 17:45, 20:00
2016, Serbia
75 min.
An intense friendship between Sara and Alisa comes to a strange and abrupt end after Sara opens up about urges beyond physical desire. Oppressed by her environment, Alisa becomes estranged, leaving Sara to struggle with solitude and repression which begins manifesting itself in a monstrous form.
Título original Otvorena
Idioma serbio (subtitulada)
Guión Momir Milošević, Momir Milošević
Elenco Milena Đurović, Jelena Puzić, Jelena Angelovski, Sava Kesić, Momir Milošević